Just back from my son's school where there was a meeting about its transformation into a all-through primary school. The gathered throng were asked what we would want on our children's bucket list. What experiences would we want our sons and daughters to have by the age of 11? Here's mine:
Also makes me reflect on current changes as the danger of cracking down too hard on standards and checklists is that we end up with compliance rather than consistency. Are we trying to produce kids with kualifications or well rounded young people? After all, good grades is only one item on the bucket list. In terms of employment, it'll get you through the door, but may not get you the job.
So, what would be on your bucket list for the children in your school?
Ps- I take the free range kids approach to parenting and would argue that many opportunities are the responsibility of parents. For example, I've thought my son how to successfully fall out of a tree.
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