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Switch off, tune out, refresh

I've never put a lot of thought into writing blog posts - I am prone to reflecting about stuff (usually during a run) and then sitting down to write. Usually in one, typo strewn, blast.  Now, recently it looks like I'm some sort of deep thinker, so here's some practical stuff. Kind of.
I don't believe that the only point of school is to gain qualifications.  Therefore, much of the chat around schooling misses some of the other aims.  Is there a purpose to debating the nuances of the traditionalist versus the progressive approach when a young person is so hungry they can't focus?  
For the record, I agree with the thinking of Mick Waters on the purpose of schooling:
Do teachers have a responsibility to develop these other areas, especially when children can't access these at home or through parental support?
Sometimes, we have to switch off and explore and get away from the 'exam factory' model.  Don't get me wrong, qualifications are vital, they get you through the door, but they are probably not enough to land the job.
/ Get a copy of 'How to be an explorer of the World' (or in fact anything by Keri Smith);  'Mission Explore: Food' or read this on Microadventures.  How could you adapt these for your classroom?  
/ Get out into the mountains and walk.  
/ Sleep outside without a tent.
/ Actually listen to Music.
/ Try to pick up snow.
/ Teach stuff that's in the news.
/ Measure something by doing forward rolls.
/ Turn your classroom back-to-front.
/ Get your class to write a Manifesto - what would they change in their school if in charge? Help them make it happen.
/ Give your class a budget and get them to organise the trip.
/ Bring in strange books and take time to look at artefacts.
 Next time it's feeling like a slog - change the routine.  What's the worst that could happen?


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