I've written before about the mundane-whizzbang ratio. I'm nearing the end of my first year as a senior leader and I thought I'd share one of the niggles I've picked up.
It's the importance of the single lesson observation.
It's not something I've noticed before. When leading a department, my message was always clear: it's about what we do everyday, not the single lesson. It's sad that teachers think that the main way in which they are measured is through the lesson observation.
It's a situation that I'm determined to sort out.
Take the spork above. My wife may have gone mental when I invested my hard earned folding money on a titainium spork, but it's really good. It knows it too.
So how do teachers know how good they are?
You only have to look into books to see the quality of work over the whole year and the pride that their students show. You can tell when young people are able to articulate what they are learning and how they need to apply it to the examination or assessment. You can tell when a teacher's expectations are consistently high. In a secondary school, youcan tell by the last set of results.
Progress over time doesn't from Outstanding lessons. It comes from the long game.
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