On the train taking our Digital Leaders to London so have a short amount of time to share the main thoughts wriggling around my brain from #nrocks.
These aren't necessarily new thoughts, but the gathering amplified the signal and cemented ideas further. These are my thoughts, influenced by the speakers.
Thank you to Hywel Roberts for a stunning session. My biggest take away was that it's about using what works, not about getting caught up in some false trad v prog attention seeking debate. It's about what works.
Thank you to John Tomsett for acting on what he thinks is the best for the young people, teachers and community that he serves and for making me realise that it doesn't really matter what other people think.
Thank you to Stephen Tierney for sharing what is working at his school and bringing home the importance of doing what works and what is right for the schools that he works with and for having the bravery to not be dictated to by the accountability system.
Thank you to all the wonderful people and Staffrm'ers that made the weekend and amplified the signal: we are not alone. Nor are the ideas we hold and believe in wrong.
What was your main takeaway from #nrocks ?
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