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Showing posts with the label secondary

Creating connections between secondary and primary classrooms

Making connections between primary and secondary classrooms from David Rogers I've had better times. As I make and near some important decision making I'm taking some time to reflect about what the last two years and two terms in senior leadership has taught me.  The first was the subject of a workshop given during the recent Geographical Association Conference in Manchester and involves primary and secondary classrooms.  The slides can be viewed above, and what follows is a brief overview of the context, my thinking and some practical examples. As a leader (heavily involved in Pupil Premium students within a mainstream secondary school that serves a wonderful yet very diverse local community) I have come to believe, amongst other things, the following: Schools should be operating at a 0-18 age scale and follow and support their alumni through to their first job.  Transition isn't good enough and too many students fall by the wayside. The important thing i...