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Showing posts with the label ecochallenge

Eco Challenge

A little while ago I posted about the FSC's Eco-Challenge , a fully funded weekend residential. Well, day 1 is out of the way and I'm hoping that the quiet as I write this post will continue for the rest of the night! Today the group focused on developing team work. They also began to explore what the term 'eco' means. I spotted the poster below at the centre which reminded me about the Geography Collevctive missions. I think it would make a great statement not to buy anything for a day. With direct debits would that be even possible ;-)

FSC Eco Challenge

Just on the train home from a parents meeting facilitated by the FSC. Our department is taking part in the Eco-Schools Challenge . For anyone not familiar with this project I would strongly reconmend reading up! In October 30 Year 8 students will travel to the FSC's center Juniper Hall for a 4 day residential. The focus will be on environmenal issues and adventure activities. The project also provides 3 follow up sessions at local areas. For some of our urban dwelling pupils the adventure will be a real eyeopener. Planned activities include shelter building, mountain biking, a river study and team challenges. The best part: it's all free. NO cost to either the school or parents.