Weather Lesson Idea Idea from David Rogers Many people feel that it’s easy to link to literacy in their subject, but not maths. Personally, I think that’s a bonkers position and to do with the misconceptions of what maths is. Maths has a large problem solving and puzzle element and a very diverse discipline, which makes it ripe for subverting into many lessons. I also worry that many teachers may not tackle maths within class as their own confidence is lacking. This mindset can rub off on young people which is a problem. This isn't about Ofsted criteria but ensuring that our kids understand stuff like how much they'd get ripped off by Of course, maths should only be linked to when it's appropriate and is no different from any other teaching and learning tool / strategy / method. As my school has a whole-school maths focus this year, I am thinking about how to get more problem solving / puzzle maths into lessons more and m...
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