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Showing posts with the label PLTS


Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) and the Social and Emotional Aspects to Learning (SEAL) are a big priority at our school at the moment. On further investigation, Geography is in a strong position as these aspects are already there! Having said this, the department will need to change the language used when teaching and make more explicit the links. I have produced a simple Scheme of Work cover sheet that allows existing Schemes of Work to be assessed. I don't think that there needs to be a radical and huge overhaul of units (yet again.....). Overall, I quite like this aspect as in considering where PLTS and SEAL fits teachers ae being asked to consider what pupils should be learning. Through exploring this issue there could be a development in the emotional literacy of students and a move towards deper learning It is also important to note that SEAL has been around for a while in Primary Schools so it's well worth getting in touch with your feeder schools to ensure...