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Showing posts with the label inset

Being Professional Tutor: Is it possible to make INSET days worthwhile?

This will be the first in a planned series of posts that will highlight various aspects of my new role as Professional Tutor.  Future posts will cover Professional Learning Time; developing a cadre of expert coaches and new staff induction. Was pondering what to blog about this morning when I stumbled across the following tweets: In turn, this led me to this excellent post by the Learning Spy that contains a thought provoking response by Ian Gilbert .  What follows is an attempt to describe what I’m aiming for at my school after my secondment to Professional Tutor in July this year. You can read my vision for the role here . They way I see it, INSET has a problem.  The time has to be identified in advance and yet it has to respond to the needs of teachers.  These will invariably change over the year.  I can’t offer any cast iron way of making INSET better, but here’s a story about what we’re attempting to do.  I’d like to think that thi...

Blogs and slideshare session

Gave 2 very short 'taster' session on the use of blogs, slideshare and 4shared during an inset day today. They seem to have been received warmly. If you have found your way here - use the links available on the left of this page to explore what other people are using blog for. And remember to think about how you'll use them before diving into it! I'm more than happy to chat some more if any colleagues want to peruse this method. Many thanks to some virtual geography colleagues who I have blatantly stolen ideas and phrases from! | View | Upload your own