At the moment we are revamping the GCSE Economic Geography Unit. As Priory is striving to be a Rights Respecting School, and the fact that I believe that children should engage with controversial issues using the language of rights and responsibility, here is a brief description of how we’ve worked the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into a case study about the environmental impact of an economic activity. To me, this is a no brainer as using the framework, students not only engage more deeply with the topic, but also gain an insight into a controversial issue. Oil and the environment from David Rogers This is an extract from our Scheme of Work, so please forgive the shorthand: What is the environmental price of our love affair with oil? Do Now - Bing start page - what jobs etc. Show this image and play beat the teacher: what event does this image represent. Follow up by playing this poetry. Flickr Search of images - BP Oil Spil...
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