Year 10 continue their adventures looking at coastal processes at the moment. The parts I really enjoy involve the interaction between people and the geomorphic processes, but before really unpicking that young people really need to have a thorough grasp of the physical processes.
In an attempt to teach Constructive and Destructive waves in a slightly different way (in other words avoid the copy and complete / maps from memory activities that I have used in previous years) I tried something a little different this week.
- Get students in pairs.
- Issue each pair with a mini-whiteboard and a pen.
- Each pair needs to have one person with their back to the class whiteboard while the other faces it.
- Reveal the diagram.
- The person with their back to the board must draw the diagram without looking, using the directions, descriptions and ideas from their partner who can see the diagram.
- Swap roles and reveal the next type of wave.
This was a last minute thing on my part and worked well. The class was able to focus on the vital examination skill of accurate description while exploring the diagram. I found that the classes recall of waves during today’s examination practise was slightly better than last year.
And it sounds like the students might have had a bit of fun with it.