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Rambling recognised


In my professional life I am first and foremost a teacher.  I then perform the Curriculum Leader role and occasionally get involved in the odd whole school adventure.  In order to help me clarify thoughts and to share with the wider world, I started this blog. It provides me with a reflective platform and I always find it amazing, yet encouraging, that others read and take note.

So, I must say a very humble thank you as I seem to have been awarded the Teacher Blog of the Year 2011 crown by the kind people over at the Education Blog Awards.  I’ve been lucky recently to be on the receiving end of a few awards recently, but this one means the most.  This is because this blog was nominated by readers in the first place and then judged by a panel of professionals that I admire and respect deeply.  I’m also humbled by finishing ahead (although only slightly I’d bet) of two other stunning teacher blogs.

So thank you all.  I’m pleased to find that there is something of use in these pages Smile 

And to those who haven’t already – please head over to the Education Blog Awards pages to discover some excellent sources of CPD.

Here’s what the judges had to say:

EBA-Badge-Teacher-Blog-WJudges were looking for:

  • A willingness to share resources and ideas
  • Responsiveness to the blog’s audience
  • Regular and timely updates
  • Posts that provoke comment

The winning blog in this category is David Rogers who invited a lot of comment from the judges. “David Rogers encapsulates what edublogging should be about – A documentation of your own professional and personal learning through a blend of thinking, ideas, sharing, collaboration and challenge”.  Another judge said “Loved this blog for many reasons but the main one was because David introduced me to Dream Teachers YouTube. Will definitely be visiting again.”

Technostories pushed David to the limit here with one judge commenting “a wonderful resource sharing blog full of practical advice and tips for teachers – I must read for all those interend in primary education”.

Third in this category was Mister Connor – judges said that this was “a great example of a teachers blog to support the learners at their school” and “there’s some excellent accessible content on Mr Connor’s Blog”.


  1. Congratulations Dave!

    Well done on your award - I enjoy reading your blog and it thoroughly deserves the award.


    Mike Tidd
    Gillingham School, Dorset

  2. Hey !!!
    you truly deserve for that.. nice post..


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