This happened a couple of weeks ago now but I'm only just getting around to writing about it. March usually means it's time for the Year 7 trip to Sparsholt Agricultural College. The School's Centre there has been providing a day of activity for Year 7 for some years now to our students. We are still the only department that manages to get the whole of a year group out - although over 5 days!
The focus of the visit changed this year. Instead of focusing on farming systems participants tried to see how the centre is sustainable. This will allow the students to plan their own enquiry into how sustainable our own school is.
The day was a great success (I only went along on one trip this year) and the sun shined for once! One interesting point that came out of the day was that the solar panel on the schools' centre is connected to the National Grid: providing a small amount of power! I hope that the Year 7 environment unit will expand to allow them to make real changes to the school - making it more sustainable. It would be great to hear from anyone who has had any experience in this area.
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