It's been a while since I posted about the compressed curriculum experience. The school is now 2 terms into compression, with Year 7 being the only cohort. This should mean that these pupils sit their external SAT examinations in Year 8: next year! As I've mentioned before, this has serious implications for the recruitment of KS4 geographers. On Monday we were given the day (well most of it anyway...) to focus on what to do at Key Stage 4. This went some way to reassure me as I felt this was being ignored. As a department we have decided to investigate the following as possible 'pathways' within the geography department.
Pathway 1: Year 9 and 10 : GCSE Geography, Year 11 Short course (if they exist?) in environmental science/management or geology.
Pathway 2: Year 9 Foundation year focusing on geographical skills and containing a significant fieldwork element. Year 10 and 11 GCSE Geography.
Pathway 3: Year 9 and 10 VGCSE Leisure and Tourism, Year 11 some other short course.
We have decided also to explore the possibility of offering an accredited Outdoor Education Course - possibly BELA?
The idea is to personalise learning with students at the centre of the decision making.
There is a lot to iron out before the end of the summer term. It would be great to hear from anyone who has already gone through this process, o indeed any comments on the proposal above.
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