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Showing posts from December, 2016

Nurture 16/17? It's time for trust, faith and hope.

Forgive what many may consider to be a self indulgent post (I got a bit distracted) but, over the ten years that I've been writing here, I've been known for the occasional run and beer induced waffle and, in any case, it is my blog and I'll do what I want to.....  This is an attempt at a look ahead to the new year ( I'm always reminded of Dawn Hallybone's words that teacher have two New Years).  I've endeavoured, perhaps rather ambitiously,  to suggest some undertakings for teachers and myself. I'll have to get some help in making it all into a diagram to stick on my fridge, office wall and car windscreen. The basis for the structure comes from this post about growing grit.  In the month where this blog turned ten, I must acknowledge that I may have done more falling this year. But, I rise. And will continue to do so. You see, although I am no music buff, it plays an important part in the way I think. See my leadership playlist , for example.  I also...

Post 1000 and 10 years of blogging: #growinggrit, an update and challenge

Well. Blimey. It's been ten years of blogging. Ten years from this rather pants post   (together with an horrendous selfie - what was I thinking?!). Ten years and I still haven't made a proper site. 10 years of poor grammar, spelling and typos. Well, actually, it was 10 years a couple of weeks ago but I was busy teaching. Anyway, instead of a review of those 10 years (tantrums and tears, some geography and awards, sharing teaching stuff and plenty of rants) here's a post on what I'm working on at the moment. And, if you fancy marking 10 years, take part in the #growinggrit spring term challenge by filling in the form at the bottom of the page. You can then ignore the rest of the drivel! You can catch up with the idea of Grit here and find out the initial stages, including the small scale action research here . In a nutshell, I've used Pupil Premium funding to create a culture of action research in school. The impact of these on CPD and school culture ha...

It's TeachMeet #GAConf17 time!

Apologies for putting this here rather than the TM wiki , but the storage limit has been reached there! Following the success of TeachMeet #GAConf16   , we are proud to present the 2017 TeachMeet Proudly Sponsored by: Exact location to be confirmed but will be at the University of Surrey, Guildford. Followed by informal networking and the famous #beermeet This is a free event open to all - no need to be a conference delegate. The GA Annual Conference takes place from Thursday 20th - Saturday 22nd April. Further details can be found on the  GA Website A TeachMeet is an informal gathering of like-minded teachers coming together to present to, and learn from one another's classroom practice including practical innovations and personal insights in teaching. Participants volunteer to demonstrate good practice they've delivered over the past year, or discuss a product that enhances classroom practice. TeachMeet events are open to all ...

So, you're designated safeguarding lead. 7 lessons I've learnt so far.

In the 15 years that I've been teaching, I've been given many roles. Since September 2016 I've been the school's designated safeguarding lead. This post shares some reflections, one term into the role, with the aim that others in the same situation may find it useful. No training ever prepares you fully. Like every role within a school, CPD is vital, especially around the latest guidance. Of course, any Ofsted inspection will pull apart a school's safeguarding routines, policies and systems, but no course really prepared me for the mental and emotional investment that the role demands.  When a member of staff turns up at the door with an issue, a trip leader contacts you from a different country or a student is in school but in tears and self harming, there isn't anything that could have prepared me. What does help is being a father and trying to make the best decisions. Vitally, the role is about supporting staff and not only students. What has struck me...