Forgive what many may consider to be a self indulgent post (I got a bit distracted) but, over the ten years that I've been writing here, I've been known for the occasional run and beer induced waffle and, in any case, it is my blog and I'll do what I want to..... This is an attempt at a look ahead to the new year ( I'm always reminded of Dawn Hallybone's words that teacher have two New Years). I've endeavoured, perhaps rather ambitiously, to suggest some undertakings for teachers and myself. I'll have to get some help in making it all into a diagram to stick on my fridge, office wall and car windscreen. The basis for the structure comes from this post about growing grit. In the month where this blog turned ten, I must acknowledge that I may have done more falling this year. But, I rise. And will continue to do so. You see, although I am no music buff, it plays an important part in the way I think. See my leadership playlist , for example. I also...
Sharing stories of pedagogic adventures.