A vintage TeachMeet: The Geographical Association’s First TeachMeet – 5 years in the making. #GACONF15 incorporating #BeerMeet 2015
For the past five or so years, I’ve been asking for a TeachMeet at the GA’s Annual Conference. So, when the awesome Lucy Oxley, the driving force behind the annual event, said yes in Guildford last year I was happy. The aim was to have 30-40 teachers is a seminar room with a few other teachers giving presentations. So, one Great Hall; 11 fantastic presentations from people in the classroom, including some first timers; 103 signed up lurkers; some wine and a thrown together live-feed later, it’s safe to say that we smashed it out of the room. The geographers then took over one of the local pubs until closing – I tried to speak to everyone there so if I didn’t apologies. The place was buzzing. The LiveFeed is embedded below:
The presentations and links are below and I’ll add more when they arrive.
So thank you!:
Jo Debens, the First Lady, for helping with the order of presentations and timing;
Richard Allaway for the live feed and T-Shirts;
Discover the World Education for supporting the event;
Lucy and the GA for saying yes!
Plans for 2016’s TeachMeet and BeerMeet are already underway.
1. David Rogers. What happens when Year 6 teach Year 10? (@davidErogers)
2. Alan Parkinson. The day I met Bernard Clark (and other stories) (@GeoBlogs)
3. Jen English - Using P4C (Philosophy for Children) in Geography (@Jennnnnn_x)
4. Matt Podbury - Collaborating not Competing' - Cross curricular projects with history (&maths) @mattpodbury
5. Paul Berry. "Mr B's Magical Mystery Matrix" - Geography Smorgasbord (@unicorn4275)
6. Bob Lang. " Geography challenge board" (@BobLangGeog)
7. Richard Allaway. "Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things" (@richardallaway)
8. Jo Debens. Bill Shakespeare was a Geographer. Literacy in Geog. (@GeoDebs)
9. Chantal Mayo-Hollaway and Sandy Patterson '10 Years of teaching Geography: where we've been and where we're going.' @CMOGeography and @sandyzpatterson
10. Andy Knill - Global networking (@aknill)
11. Tim Jefferis (@tjjteacher) - Collaboration, curation and doing away with paper...
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