A journey to Glasgow with the family to deliver two seminars at the annual SAGT Conference. I really enjoy this event, and it was great to see so many familiar faces. At one point, myself, Alan Parkinson, Noel Jenkins and Dan Raven Ellison were using all of the Geography department classrooms – just think what a department that would be!
My talks focused on Doorstep Geography. The main part of the session involved delegates getting out and about to try some of the activities.
My feelings are that fieldwork is so important to geography and (more importantly) the wider development of children, that fieldwork (whether on the school night or not) should be happening for every class, in every year group at least once per half term.
I also firmly believe that teacher need to take unplanned risks every now and again by not knowing exactly what they are going to do.
Doorstep Geography is a concept that was developed by the GA’s Secondary Phase Committee. My presentation slides are below. See if you can spot my planning document ;-) Many thanks to those that replied to my Twitter request – I have used your raw responses.
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