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Looking toward 2011


It’s going to be a big year 2011 not withstanding the wedding of the year to look forward to in August (that’ll be mine, not our future King!), there are many exciting projects to look forward to.  In previous year’s I have made a habit of publishing goals.  In retrospect, these always seem either a little ambitious (nothing wrong with that) or aren’t completed. Another complicating factor is that I never really know where the year will lead, or what opportunities may present themselves.  I remember being a teenager determined to spend all of his pennies in the holiday slot machines of our Tenby campsite, passing up the opportunity on the way to spend some time with two girls climbing. I soon learnt to take opportunities, although sometimes this can leave me spread a little too thin. As a consequence, this year I’m focusing on a small number of projects that are in addition to the normal .  Here are some events and projects that I am looking forward to in 2011 (and in no particular order):

  • Meeting a target of climbing 18 Munro’s during the annual winter climbing trip to Scotland in February. Running and mountain biking along the local South Down’s has already started. All I have to do now is convince my other half that I really do need a new jacket…
  • Travelling to Iceland with the Geography department in April and our Eco-Challenge residential in the North Downs in March.Teaching on the beach
  • Further work with The Geography Collective – 2011 is going to be a big year for us with a number of events and projects due to come on line. This will include the launch of Mission:Explore books 2 and 3 and I believe a Scottish Road Trip. It’s worth subscribing to our blog to follow developments.
  • Attending the GA’s Annual Conference.
  • Continuing to move toward the acceptance of hand held technology in the classroom of our school and the use of P4230522third party websites and blogs in school – both for the time being are banned, blocked or busted.
  • Hearing all about my department colleagues Jo Debens’ trip to the European Innovative Education Forum in Moscow.IMG_5155
  • Working with the Atlantic Rising team in developing some teaching resources and further international links.
  • Discovering how Controlled Assessment will affect our GCSE results and whether we have interpreted the mark scheme correctly.


  • Celebrating the successes and helping some to overcome the disappointments of the (mostly) wonderful students. I won’t be travelling to BETT this year as our students have an examination on the 20th January so I’ll be running after school workshops and support sessions. we have almost 100 students completing GCSE Geography this year, a further 80 in Year 10 and 750 students at Key Stage 3.Working
  • Celebrating the successful completion of department colleague Lisa Whiting’s NQT year and continuing our work with Portsmouth University PGCE students.
  • The many networking opportunities that will be presented at various conferences and speaking events over the year.
  • Meeting the very good friends that make up the grooms party in Bristol to get suits fitted.
  • Leading the Secondary Phase Committee of the GA and tackling the challenges and changes ahead, some imposed, others fought for.
  • Finishing some writing projects – I do enjoy these as they either come from or directly influence classroom practice and department leadership.
  • Getting Leadership Pathways out of the way.
  • Working with a great group of teachers and students on a co-constructed enquiry day (5 days that is….)
  • Working with my lovely, dedicated and awesome Geography Department to write, change and tweak our curriculum (because, regardless of external pressure, the curriculum should never stand still) and generally have fun (in a school – a crazy concept I know!). I put this last as they are less likely to see me giving them praise Winking smileP6230031

And most of all, I’m looking forward to finding out where and to whom the adventure ahead will lead!


  1. Some great things to look forward to - afraid you were caught out with complimenting your department though! And another classic photo makes it to the blog!

  2. Thank you Jo - I do work within a great team :-)

    Ollie - I deleted your comment by accident but thank you for your kind words :-)


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