This post supports today’s session. The slideshare are embedded below – please feel free to get in touch if you would like to see where they fit in! Also, try to join the Partners in Learning Network for a lot of free resources, and follow the #ukiefuk and #itmeet hashtag for two conferences next week. Especially if you are interested in using technology to transform learning.
I’ve also included the responses from Twitter during the session, well worth adding to your followers list while you get started!
Here is the video highlighted by Doug Belshaw that explains Twitter in education in just 60 seconds:
@GeoBlogs – Follow conferences with inspirational speakers e.g. #nc10 ; crowdsource ideas; get feedback on work.
@paulhaigh – Split social into facebook and professional networking to another (e.g. twitter) and get personalised CPD for life
@jobadge – Why bother with twitter? Hundreds of experienced teachers who are willing to share ideas and advice just a click away
@dajbelshaw Because you can choose your Twitter friends but not your school family
@didactylos Access to help, advice, resources, support, community and mentoring
@bennuk Sharing of ideas, interaction with peers and experienced people, joining the teaching community, stealing other people’s plenaries!
@Sarah_Booker To network and share information and good practice with other teachers and trainees
@andyjb To test share ideas and strategies and sanity check propositions
@shirlpj Give access to a broad range of views from a broad base of teaching sectors – opens the mind
@rantingteacher So you are not alone
@ars_zi Networking, writing tasks……
@weblearning Twitter offers PGCE students a place to create a personal learning network and to learn, share and reflect with others
suzibewell I run a PGCE MFL course at York Uni and many trainees are already on Twitter. Great for support, ideas and all important connections
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