The photo above is me during a show at Disney Land Paris. The pupils I was accompanying had the great idea that I would love to be in the show. Why put it here? Well, it's another example of when I've really been in the spotlight! Ofsted puts similar pressure on departments.
Here is a list of questions that I've been asked at a Curriculum Leader of Geography by Ofsted inspectors. The questions were asked in one-to-one and group interviews. Hopefully they will be of help to others.:
1. Where are the opportunities for independent enquiry in your curriculum?
2. Why do pupils make good progress in your subject but not in others?
3. What have you done to raise standards in your subject and what evidence have you got that it is making a difference?
4. What have you learnt from other departments that are doing well?
5. Where are the literacy opportunities in your curriculum?
6. How do you know that all staff in the department know what a Level 6 is?
7. What have you done to ensure the progress of different groups of pupils?
8. Has the school's focus on healthy lifestyles impacted in your department?
9. What are you doing to promote economic well-being?
10. What is the quality of care, guidance and support like for individual Looked After Children?
11. Are differences in performance in different subjects a result of inconsistency in teaching?
12. Are routines consistent and is every teacher planning for every pupil every lesson?
13. How are you using the school specialism to promote good progress?
14. What is your extra-curricular provision and what is its impact on standards?
15. Do staff use tracking data to influence pupils' progress and support their pathway choices?
16. What have you done when you have identified a problem with a class/teacher?
17. How does your SEF shape what you do to improve pupils' experience of school?
18. What impact does out-of-classroom learning have in your department?
19. What are you doing to ensure the consistent delivery of GCSE courses?
20. What are you doing to encourage the development of staff?
A mighty list, but I must add that I have cobbled these together over the two Ofsted visits over the pat 12 months.
hi... you have a great blog. See my geography blog (Portugal)
LÃdia Mendes
That's really useful David - we'll be visited this term