GRIT assembly Jan 2016 from David Rogers I love giving assemblies. It's a real privilege. At Patcham, we believe that grit is an important area to talk about and develop if our students are to do well. We've distilled character down to this one trait. We have research evidence that is showing signs that we are doing the right thing too, but that's for another time. Although Carlsburg may make the best stuff, only Heineken reaches the parts that others can't. What follows is my assembly, the slides are above. Our assemblies at Patcham are very special. Each one has three features: A piece of music, dance or theatrical performance by our students The Patcham News - our way of ensuring that our messages get across: A reading from a book to support our culture of reading for pleasure and our aspiration to have every student reading at their chronological reading age. This week, I had the pleasure of speaking to my House - a quarter of our s...
Sharing stories of pedagogic adventures.