Have been thinking about wordle and its potential uses in the classroom. Thanks to Noel , Alan and Tony for initially pointing this out and the SLN thread with some examples. I've been thinking if this can be used as a tool for AfL. Can an A Grade piece of work be distinguished from a D? Below is the word cloud for my geography department. Although inadequate overall if I had shown this cloud in the feedback session there is a positive message as 'Good' and 'Satisfactory' come out more prominent than 'inadequate'. Got me thinking - without any electronic pupil work to hand I used the Ofsted reports for two random schools. Which one is better? The first cloud is from a 'Good' school while the second is from a 'satisfactory' (how I hate that term!) school. Could you spot that without reading the whole report? This application could also be a good way of prioritising action points for departments or in identifying key messages from surveys. C...
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